How Long Does Kratom Stay in Your Body?

July 4th, 2020

Kratom is a tree (also known as Mitragyna Speciosa Korth) found in the regions of Asia and is related to the coffee trees. As a form of stimulant, the Kratom leaves are used in the form of brewed tea, especially the laborers who have intensive work all day use these leaves as an energy booster to work longer hours. Alongside this, Kratom is used for various significant health benefits such as relieving pain, improving healthy sleep, boost metabolism, remove stress & depression, prevent diabetes, ease anxiety, boost immunity, and increase sexual power.

Is Kratom a Substance of Concern?

The US-based Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) does not nominate Kratom as a controlled substance. Instead, it has been recognized as a substance of concern. As per the data provided by DEA, Kratom, when consumed in less amount, the substance in the leaves gives stimulant-like properties. On the other hand, when Kratom is consumed in higher amounts, it has pain-relieving or analgesic properties that simulate opiate drugs' actions.

It is difficult for DEA to calculate the extent to which Kratom is consumed in the US. However, it does have a sort of cult-like following. Prominent groups like the American Kratom Association are also actively involved in gathered support for the medicinal use of the Kratom, especially for its pain-relieving qualities and its potential usage in addressing withdrawal symptoms from narcotics like heroin.

Based on the case study, several scientists had investigated Kratom's long-term effects and reported that it is a single instance of long-term use of the drug. However, case studies have not considered being powerful evidence to look at the overall effect of Kratom. Instead, the case study has shown that persistent use of Kratom might increase physical dependence. It might also show long-term issues, including aggression, mood swings, hallucinations, and even seizures.

How Long Does Kratom Last

How Long Does Kratom Last?

As per the case studies, the Kratom effect depends on dose-dependent. Consuming Kratom in large amounts might result in several hours of impact. Kratom is still not a formal medical drug, so it does not contain some particular guidelines. The studies show kratom health benefits and suggested its half-life is probably around 24 hours in most of the individuals. The term half-life indicates the duration the drug takes to break down in an individual's metabolism (specifically liver) and reduce it by half its concentration in the human body. 

In a general term, it is considered that to eliminate Kratom from the body under most conditions entirely, it takes about 5–6 half-lives. Besides, this is just a general figure, and the complete elimination of any drug in an individual is dependent on various factors. Based on this data, it would take around 5–6 days to eliminate Kratom from the body completely.

Depends on the various issues, the detectability of the drugs also varies depending on every individual's system. The various study also suggested that Kratom stays in the body for almost 2-5 days. The prominent Kratom users will have longer windows of detectability.

Testing for Kratom

In most panels, the detectability of the Kratom in most of the individuals is not detected in normal testing. The researchers have also mentioned that sophisticated testing methods employed for high-priority jobs might not screen Kratom's presence or its metabolites (substances developed as a result of the drug being broken down) due to its insignificant drug of abuse.

Although most of the drug screenings would probably not able to directly detect the presence of Kratom, so there are specific detection tests like a Kratom 10-panel drug test and its metabolites. By employing these tests, the Kratom could be detected in urine for up to a week. However, in the majority of cases where an individual is being tested for the presence of drugs, the Kratom's most active ingredients will possibly not be detected.

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