A Complete Guide of Red Maeng Da Kratom and its Effects

October 1st, 2020

Nature is the abundant source of many elements offering wellness, health, and beauty for the human race. Kratom is one of the natural gifts. It is mostly sold in the form of powders, capsules, and extracts. Maeng Da is one of the Kratom strains and is native to Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. It is available in various colors like red, green, and white. 

Maeng da Kratom helps people cope with depression and enhances well-being. Red Vein Maeng Da Kratom is a recommended natural remedy for people with anxiety. This strain has great calming and sedating effects and offers relief from pain and stress. This article discusses various forms of Red Maeng Da, its dosages, and health benefits.

What is Red Maeng Da Kratom?

Red Maeng Da Kratom is known for its potency and is used by many people worldwide because of its beneficial results. This strain is produced from Mitragyna Speciosa leaf from the Kratom plantation. Red Maeng Da Kratom is well known for its potency and is packed with many flavonoids than regular strains. 

Red Maeng Da Kratom comes from the tropical evergreen tree that originated in the rainforests of Indonesia. Though this strain is sourced from the parent Kratom plant, the extraction method ensures Red Maeng da is almost free from alkaloids, which may induce dryness, diarrhea, and other respiratory issues in the human body. 

Maeng Da Kratom Extraction

It is extracted from the process called grafting where two different types of plants are physically joined. One plant has a stem with the roots embedded in the soil, and the other plant has shot with the leaves. The place where the two plants combine is covered with wet cloth, ensuring the continuous cell division. Once the tissues of these two cells get mixed up, new characters are seen in the resultant plant. 

Red Maeng Da Vs Red Bali

These two Kratom strains are significant and competitive positions around the world. Here are a few comparisons between Red Maeng Da and red Bali kratom.

Red Maeng Da Vs Red Bali

Origin and Prices

  • Red vein Bali kratom originated from Bali island in Indonesia and red maeng da originated from the rainforest of Thailand.
  • Red maeng da slightly costs more than Red Bali however it is not too expensive. 


The leaves of Red Bali are larger and they grow faster than other varieties. Red Bali has red-colored veins so the color obtained by dried leaves in green in color with a dark reddish tinge. Because of the presence of the organic compounds, the powder gives a purple appearance with a sweet fragrance.


Of these two, Red Bali is known to produce potential results. It offers long-lasting sedating, and pain-relieving effects. Red Maeng da is less potent when compared to red Bali but reports more balanced and stimulated results.

Response time

Red Bali takes around 20-25 minutes to get activated. Whereas Red Maeng da will start its action in just 10 minutes. 


Both Red Bali and Red Maeng da produce merely the same results through the significant portion may vary considerably. Red Bali works to deal with psychological problems and Maeng Da deals with psychological issues like chronic pain.

Red Bali gives more sedating effects and makes you feel tired or fatigued when consumed in higher doses (over 5+ grams). So it is best suited for evening use. Red Maeng da on the other hand is a beginner strain or daytime strain. 

Various Forms of Red Maeng Da

Red Maeng da is available in various forms for consumption:

  • Capsules
  • Tablets
  • Gum
  • Tinctures
  • Extracts

Red Maeng da kratom leaves can be consumed directly or can be eaten fresh or dried and can be consumed in tea. Dried kratom leaves can be powdered and ingested. It is less commonly smoked or vaporized. 

Red Maeng da kratom extract is a finely powdered extract and made using all the natural extraction processes. 

Red Maeng Da Capsule Vs Powder

Usually available forms of red maeng da are capsule and powder form. You can get the same results in either of the forms. Because of the strong effects, Red maeng da should be taken in small doses. It has to be taken in small quantities to work as a mental enhancer. 

Red Maeng Da Capsule Vs Powder

Unlike the powder, the red maeng da capsule is more processed, and it is easier to determine the Kratom grams. Kratom powder can be combined and used with other ingredients, and this is not possible with red Kratom capsules. 

Red Maeng Da Powder Dosage

Red maeng da generates very useful results if you have the pure powder in hand. So, it is recommended to frame low dosage levels. 

Start with a single gram to get a brand new experience without any side effects. Continue to work up with a few grams until you know all the results Red Maeng Da offers you. The dosage levels should not exceed 7 grams. 

Dosage levels also depend on the age, sex, and health status. As per the study conducted in 2018, it was proved that a dosage of 5 grams consumed 3 times a day is enough to deal with psychological disorders. 

Red Maeng Da Benefits

Red Maeng da has many things to do. Here are a few potential benefits of consuming red maeng da:

Pain reliever

This strain has analgesic effects and is capable of reducing pain. This product can work well with the pains ranging from minor to major. The powdered form is effective in treating arthritis pain. 

Mood Rejuvenation

Red maeng da helps in dealing with the adverse mood effects. Its euphoric properties help the users activate their energy levels. It also enables you to deal with the challenges of life. The positive effects are the results of a higher number of alkaloids present in Red Maeng da. These alkaloids are produced naturally so that you will not encounter any adverse effects. 

Red Maeng Da for Sleep

Red Maeng da is the more natural method of curing insomnia. The composition of 7-hydroxy mitragynine and Pantetheine contents makes it more effective. It boosts the cognitive levels and keeps you alert all the time. This strain ends the conditions of anxiety and depression and enables you to have quality sleep.  Functionality makes red maeng da for sleep. When you take it, it relaxes your nerves through the brain and makes you fall asleep instantly.

Enhances Energy Levels

Red maeng da plays a prominent role in eliminating fatigue. It is especially beneficial for students and workers who work for long hours in front of screens. It stimulates positive thoughts. It mitigates the effects of adverse mental states like depression and anxiety. 

Usage and Storage

Red maeng da kratom powder can be used in several different ways. Some of them are:

  • It can be brewed into a tea.
  • Can be added to smoothies and protein shakes.
  • Can be blended with favorite juices.
  • It can be added to non-dairy milk beverages of choice. You can also add chocolate to the mix for extra flavor.
  • Red Maeng da kratom should be stored in a cool and dry area away from the sunlight. The effects of Red Maeng Da will depend on the levels consumed and the kratom lasts in the body for several hours.

Factors to Consider When Buying Red Maeng Da

It is more important to check the legitimacy of the vendor before buying Red maeng da. here are the few scenarios to consider

  • is the vendor belongs to the American Association of kratom.
  • whether the vendor performs third-party tests or not.
  • manufacturing practices and quality standards followed by the vendor.
  • Convenient QR code on the label for the accessibility of the ingredients.
  • Tested for harmful elements like impurities, heavy metals, and alloys.

Precautions to Consume Red Maeng Da

Here are a few precautions to consider while consuming Red Maeng da:

  • Pregnant women must seek doctor consultation before consuming Red Maeng Da as the psychological changes become complex during pregnancy
  • Nursing mothers need to check with doctors as the breast milk is the sole nutritional intake for the babies
  • People consuming alcohol need doctor consultation as Kratom is an alkaline element, there is a possibility that this may react with alcohol
  • One must pay attention while taking medicines as some of them may respond with the Kratom creating harmful effects for the body

Bottom Line

Red Maeng Da offers a relaxing aroma. It retards the depression levels and flourishes positivity around. Kratom has become a trendy drug in several countries like Europe and the USA. At low doses, it is used as a stimulant and produces sedative effective at higher doses.

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